Embedded sub-systems design and development services based on MPUs/MCUs/FPGAs from a variety of vendors (Altera, Atmel, MicroChip, MicroSemi, Silicon Labs, TI, XILINX).

The services include part or all of the following:

* Wish list/concept captured in a Requirements Specifications document that is approved by the customer prior to any design/development work
* Requirements Analysis, subsystem dimensioning/partitioning
* Proposed technology/vendor/family of the MCU/MPU/FPGA to be used
* Design Specification document
* OS/RTOS/Hard-RTOS evaluation/selection and porting (where applicable)
* ANSI C/VHDL/Verilog based embedded software/firmware development
* Extensive Design simulation (where applicable)
* Complete User Manual/Data sheet for efficient use by the customer’s team
* Design Test/Verification on board level

All engineering design processes, development life cycle, technical reviews and documentation are handled per IEEE 1220-2005.

The service ends with a successful Proof-of-Concept on OMI’s custom, user furnished or market available (evaluation) board(s) or, when required onsite integration and support at customer’s premises.