F711 Impact Delay Tail Fuze

Impact Delay Tail Fuze IDTF F-711 is an all weather, tail mounted, battery powered, Electronic Impact Fuze, providing impact delay functions for MK80 GP series and an excellent replacement for obsolete mechanical fuzes M905.

Instantaneous impact function with capability of selecting post impact delays up to 25ms in 5ms increments.

State of the art electronics including microcomputer controllers and stepper motor for mechanical safety.

– Optimizes the performance of ground-bursting Mk80 air ordnance and improves mission efficiency.
– Provides electronic post delay offering limited target penetration.
– Used as “back-up” fuze for Proximity fuzes.
– Ordnance release is possible in either ripple or salvo mode with no mutual interference.

Safety interlocks: all arming mechanisms are locked in place during storage while in flight are released by arming wire pull. Safe and arm is an out-of-line rotor design and is controlled by an electric stepper motor.

F-711 meets MIL-STD-1316 with 3 independent arming mechanisms:
[1] Two, battery power activated, arming wires.
[2] Rotor release activated by arming wire pull after release.
[3] Environmental safety function by 3-axis accelerometer which monitors roll and “free flight” weapon post release conditions.